Older Posts
Update on WSU Spring Commencement
March 17, 2020 To the WSU Community: As you’re likely aware, on March 14, the Centers for Disease Control issued guidance regarding an eight-week suspension of all gatherings or events of more than 50 people. It is with deep regret that we inform you that Spring...
Spring Break Extended to March 30
March 16, 2020 Good Morning, As we continue to work on and respond to the ever-changing COVID-19 situation, there are a number of updates I wanted to provide you with for further clarification. • Spring break will be extended by a second additional week to allow...
COVID-19 Information for Returning Travelers
March 15, 2020 To the WSU Community: Please read carefully below for updated information on Winona State University’s COVID-19 response strategy. This is a rapidly changing situation, and as new information is presented, we will continue to keep you informed and...
Spring Break Extended 03/12/20
March 12, 2020 Dear Colleagues, As you read earlier in the Minnesota State Chancellor’s message, Winona State spring break has been extended and no classes will be held between March 16-22, 2020. During this time, campus offices and other student services will remain...
Campus Update and Minnesota Department of Health Recommendation 03/11/20
March 11, 2020 Winona State University continues to monitor news about COVID-19 closely and is committed to taking the steps necessary to protect the health and safety of all students and employees. To date, there have been no positive cases of COVID-19 reported in...

Winona International Network Events
Tammy Brians, an ESL instructor at Winona State University facilitated a Winona International Network (WIN) event series in late February to help international and American students create personal and academic connections through practicing interfacing skills with...

Ecological History Lecture Series Postponed
Due to COVID-19 precautions, the Ecological History series has been postponed. If the public health situation improves, the lectures may be rescheduled for May and June. Winona State University and the Winona County Historical Society have announced a joint lecture...

WSU Professor Spends Semester Working with EPA
Dr. Matt Bosworth spoke at Winona State University in late February to discuss his time spent in Washington DC this past fall semester, where he worked with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to help get the lead out of residential water supply lines. Bosworth...
Coronavirus Precautions to Take on Spring Break 03/05/20
March 5, 2020 To the WSU Community: As you prepare for spring break next week, some of you may have plans to travel. If that is the case, we urge you to continue using prevention best practices to protect yourself and others from the Coronavirus and other health...
Update On International Travel 03/02/20
March 2, 2020 Dear Colleagues, This morning, after much deliberation, WSU administration made the decision to suspend all university-sponsored international travel scheduled between now and Aug. 31. This follows the Feb. 28 decision by Minnesota State Chancellor...