Older Posts

WSU Alum Leads Olmsted County Testing Center
Winona State University alumna Jaci (Johnson) Gosse ‘95 (Mass Communication-Journalism) is providing operational management support to the Graham Park/Olmsted County Fairgrounds COVID-19 drive through test site in Rochester, Minn., on behalf of Mayo Clinic. She...
A Warrior-Style Last Day Celebration
Brand new Winona State University graduate Emily Robertson ’20 celebrated earning her bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education and Early Childhood this past Friday with not one, but two virtual celebrations. As she looked forward to the university’s first-ever...
WSU Student Teachers Finish Warrior Strong
For WSU Education majors, student teaching marks the final semester when pedagogy becomes practice and their career becomes real. Exhilarating and all-encompassing, the experience takes everything a college senior has and more. This spring, the COVID-19 pandemic added...

Spring 2020 Tuition And Fees
The top-priority goal for Winona State University throughout this unprecedented challenge has been to support our students and their academic pursuits while maintaining the health and safety of the WSU community. Still, we understand the COVID-19 pandemic is causing...

WSU Hosts Virtual Celebration for Class of 2020
Winona State University will honor more than 1,400 spring graduates in a first-of-its-kind virtual celebration at 6pm, May 8, 2020 on WSU’s Facebook page and WSU’s commencement website. Graduates, the campus community, friends, and family are invited to join...

WSU Professor of the Year 2019-2020
Winona State University statistics and data science Professor Tisha L. Hooks has been selected as Professor of the Year. The Professor of the Year designation is awarded annually by the WSU Student Senate on behalf of the student body. Students vote for...

WSU Pre-Social Work Majors Making an Impact
Winona State University pre-social work majors are finding creativealternatives to in-person volunteer outreach, doing good in the community through their 120-hour introduction internship. WSU Professor Cathleen Faruque says that although COVID-19 has disrupted their...

Winona State Goes Digital
In mid-March, when Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Chancellor Devinder Malhotra announced two additional weeks of spring break in order to prepare for finishing out the spring semester via alternative methods, Winona State University relied confidently on...

A Bridge to the Community
Bridges Health Winona, a WSU student-led, faculty-guided, interprofessional and free community wellness clinic that provides holistic healthcare to populations in need throughout the Winona area, is changing things up in the battle against COVID-19. At Bridges,...
Updates to WSU Pass/No Credit Policy
April 19, 2020 To the WSU Community, As promised, we are following up regarding our investigation of potential options to alter our Pass/No Credit (P/NC) policy temporarily to better meet the needs of students in light of the present situation with COVID-19. Based on...