by Kassidy Jackson | Nov 2, 2016 | Campus News, Twitter, WSU News
For Winona State University’s student athletes, community engagement isn’t just a requirement, it’s a pillar of the WSU athletic program. Since the start of the 2016-17 school year, WSU athletes already have contributed more than 800 hours of service...
by Samantha Stetzer | Nov 1, 2016 | Achievements, Featured Post, Top Stories, Twitter, WSU News
In 2009, Winona State University alumna Kim Schultz traveled to the Middle East to meet with Iraqi refugees, in the hopes of bringing their stories to America. Instead Schultz brought back a story of her own, after falling in love in Syria with an Iraqi refugee named...
by Alex Carter | Nov 1, 2016 | Achievements, Featured Post, Twitter, WSU News
In 2014, Winona State University alumna Amanda Brinkman was brought on as Chief Brand and Communications Officer for Deluxe to help find a break-through solution to change brand perceptions about the company. While Deluxe is known by many as one of the top check...
by Ka Vang | Oct 31, 2016 | Arts & Lectures, Campus News, Events, Faculty Staff News, Twitter, WSU News
The Winona State University CLASP Lecture Series will host “War in the Digital Age” with David Speetzen at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 2, in Stark Auditorium, room 103. This event is part of the 2016-17 University Theme, Our Digital Humanity. Speetzen will talk about three...
by Alex Carter | Oct 31, 2016 | Events, Twitter, WSU News
Winona State University will host ” Empty Bowls” from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 16, in the Science Laboratory Center Atrium. Participants of “Empty Bowls” can choose a handmade bowl and fill it with soup for lunch. Students and local...
by Brian Waldbillig | Oct 28, 2016 | Academic News, Campus News, Faculty Staff News, Featured Post, Twitter, WSU News
Winona State University’s Warrior Success Center now offers online academic advising. Amy Meyer and Darcie Mueller, advisors in the Warrior Success Center (WSC), were concerned that students taking online classes from home during the summer were often unable to...