by Samantha Stetzer | Jul 28, 2016 | Achievements, Campus News, Student News, Twitter, WSU News
For seven years running, Winona State University radio station KQAL and WSU Mass Communication students have been recognized for outstanding regional journalism. Mass Communication students TJ Leverentz and John Wojcik won first place in Sports Broadcast for their...
by Samantha Stetzer | Jul 27, 2016 | Academic News, Campus News, Twitter, WSU News
Winona State University now offers a new Bachelor of Arts minor in Ethnic Studies. Ethnic Studies entails a multidisciplinary, intersectional approach to examining social identities, political ideologies, and institutions, with specific attention to understanding...
by Ka Vang | Jul 15, 2016 | Academic News, Campus News, Faculty Staff News
Winona State University has appointed Rita Rahoi-Gilchrest to the position of Interim Associate Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, effective August 15. Prior to this appointment, Rahoi-Gilchrest served as assistant professor in Communication Studies (2000-2005),...
by Samantha Stetzer | Jun 13, 2016 | Campus News, Events, Twitter, WSU News
Winona State University and Health Force Minnesota will host Scrubs Camp on the WSU campus June 26 through July 1, offering high school students a unique opportunity to participate in hands-on learning. Scrubs Camp provides students with the opportunity to explore...
by Samantha Stetzer | Jun 7, 2016 | Campus News, Twitter, WSU News
Winona State University is committed to building and supporting a sustainable society. From the President’s Climate Commitment to campus infrastructure, course and program offerings, and student housing, the university community works to practice and promote...
by Ka Vang | May 23, 2016 | Campus News, Student News, Twitter, WSU News
For many students, the decision to study abroad is complex. Unknown languages, foreign environments, additional educational costs, and thoughts of being far away from home for an extended period of time can be intimidating. As a first-generation student from a lower...