10. Accidentally stumbled on Al Capone’s Vault.
9. Should have given the crew something better to dig with than Chartwell’s discarded spoons.
8. Vice President Scott Ellinghuysen insists on digging every inch himself.
7. Should have taken a left turn at Albuquerque.
6. Forgot to delete the Winona subway idea from the blueprints.
5. It takes a lot longer than you’d think to transport all the gold we found to WSU’s Swiss Bank.
4. Encounter with Charon on the River Styx freaked out CP Rail.
3. Those angleworms were just begging for a fishing trip to East Lake.
2. Hard to find enough qualified diggers while El Chapo’s tunnel was under construction.
1. After over ten years waiting we had darn well better get this right!
Coming Soon: WSU Pedestrian Tunnels