My inauguration on April 19 was a celebration of all the good things we do at Winona State. Even though my list only reflects a lighter side, I was very moved by the tradition I became a part of that day. I am humbled to serve as the fifteenth president of this great university.
10. Your mom will really like it.
9. It’s a good idea to air out the doctoral robe between commencements.
8. The mace may come in handy if Visigoths try to storm the ramparts.
7. Chartwells serves excellent food at the reception, or so I’m told … I never really got past the entrance.
6. People actually sing the alma mater at WSU, and they sound great.
5. There’s no bling like medallion bling!
4. Zero grievances filed during the ceremony.
3. Everybody looks good in purple.
2. Dampens the disappointment of failing to win the Nobel Prize in Chemistry yet again! (Apparently, becoming a chemist is a good first step, but it’s hard to find the time.)
1. The only other time all of these people will be in the same room is at your wedding, so if someone accidentally clinks their glass at your inauguration luncheon it’s a great opportunity to steal a kiss from your spouse.