
Dear alumni and friends of Winona State University,

In recent weeks I’ve been seeking ideas from people who care about Winona State, people who want to see WSU thrive and grow. I am keenly interested in your thoughts because you know WSU in a special way.

Winona State University delivers the finest residential public education in Minnesota. Our university is strong; our future can be whatever we want it to be. Because we are strong we are empowered to have hopes and dreams.

The answer to what Winona State University can be, and should be, already exists in ideas that all of us hold. Each of you has a hope or dream that is part of the bigger picture. I’m asking you to share your hopes and dreams with me so they can be considered as we plan for our next five to ten years.

With your help we will uncover transformational ideas that will truly change the university. Will you take a few minutes and share with me your hopes and dreams for Winona State through this brief survey (link to  http://bit.ly/HopesDreams)? We will be considering the responses in January so I would appreciate your reply before Dec. 19.