Greetings, Warriors! Let’s bid adieu
To 2015. Greet the new
Year: reflect, cheer, and celebrate
All those Warriors who make us great.
Now that we have this winter snow
Lift our spirits high, I-F-O!
Bake some pies! Milk some heifers!
Serve some treat to A-S-F-ers!
Let fireworks fly! All stand agape
At the wondrous work of those in MAPE!
And should you even need to ask me
About the excellence of AFSCME?
Have a purple M&M, hey,
In honor of dear M-M-A!
Trustees! Boosters! Legislators!
Friends! Alums! Administrators!
Never forget why we’re all here:
Those students who we all endear.
Each one of them could not heartier.
Let’s hope each one’s a cautious partier.
On New Year’s Eve they should be dancin’
So start them off, Prez Josh Hanson!
Join in the gavotte, all students,
With expected jurisprudence
And be in bed by twelve! Here’s why:
When new day breaks, sun fills the sky,
A new year dawns, our flag’s unfurled:
A community of learners still improving our world!