UntitledWinona State University will kick off the 2015-2016 University Theme, “Equity as a Human Right: Building Inclusive Community,” with events in both Winona and Rochester.

The Winona Theme Kick-Off will take place 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 10, in East Hall, Kryzsko Commons and will include a resource fair featuring campus and community partners. This event is free and open to the public. Refreshments and door prizes will be available.

The highlight of the event will be “Courageous Warrior Conversations,” which are intended to be constructive conversations about issues and equity. Conversation prompts will be provided, and a number of locations, including a ball pit, chairs, blankets and benches, will be available for participants.

For more information, contact Sue Groth at SGroth@winona.edu.

The Rochester Theme Kick-Off will be held at 9 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 15, at the Heintz Center. The event will include a short program with WSU President Scott Olson and a continental breakfast. Attendees will also have the opportunity to participate in “Courageous Warrior Conversations.” Bussing will be provided from the Winona campus. Seating is limited. RSVP to Brenda Phillips at bphillips@winona.edu by Sept. 10.

The 2015-2016 University Theme, “Equity as a Human Right: Building Inclusive Community,” is about upholding people’s rights, valuing diversity, challenging intolerance, and making institutional change around issues of social justice.

For more information, visit the university theme website or email Chuck Ripley at wripley@winona.edu.