Teaming up monthly since last summer to collaborate, share information, and offer resources, Winona State University and Saint Mary’s University are working to tear down the perceived walls of being in competition which each other.
A recent team effort to clean up Winona was just one of the ways WSU and SMU are turning their teamwork into action.
Alumni from WSU and SMU, along with affiliates with Home & Community Options, participated in a street cleanup to help beautify Winona. While the mission was a basic one of cleaning up any trash that is found on Second and Third streets, the added goal was to bring together alumni from the two universities and build connections based on their similarities — while at the same time making the city proud of its universities.
“Winona is our home and we want Winona to be proud of the campuses that are here. This is about taking down those walls and making Winona a better place and doing it together,” said Tracy Hale, director of alumni engagement.
Read the full Winona Daily News article.