Minnesota Historical Society LogoWinona State University has been awarded a Minnesota Historical and Cultural Grant through the Minnesota Historical Society.

The $6,186 grant will allow WSU to conduct a General Preservation Assessment Survey of the Watkins collection.

The survey will be completed by the Midwest Art Conservation Center (MACC) and will include a two-day on-site visit, followed by a report including an executive summary, digital photo documentation and a prioritized list of recommendations to improve the collection’s care.

After this, a conservator from the MACC will meet with WSU’s Art Collection Committee for curatorial and long-range input and then complete a long-term conservation plan.

WSU was one of 46 recipients of the grants. The grants provide an opportunity for non-profit and educational organizations, government units, and tribal organizations to preserve and share the state’s history and cultural heritage.

For more information, contact Kathleen Peterson at 507-457-2913 or email kpeterson@winona.edu.