
(With apologies to Roger Angell and The New Yorker)

Greetings, Warriors, near and far!
Our flame’s become a winter star!
It’s time to celebrate that fire
that still illuminates desire
so to improve our world, you see,
while learning in community.

So send out a great polemic
for all Affairs Academic!
Give a gift and take a chance, meant
for the people in Advancement!
Think about the awesome prudence
of SLD serving students!
And notice how the halls had been
decked out for Finance and Admin.
Who on campus is more mighty
than the staff who work in IT?
Please don’t hold back or sequester
laud to those who serve Rochester.

As for students? Each a blessing!
When they’re gone it gets depressing.
Even though this winter froze us
we’re still glad that they all chose us.

And I’ll tell you if you ask me
that A-S-F, MAPE, and AFS-CME,
the I-F-O and M-M-A,
(and don’t forget the C-O-A):
All contribute to our notion
of a place that stirs devotion,
and welcoming to one and all,
while civil, caring, standing tall.

This time of year is very dark
but every Warrior has that spark.
From their windows and their porches
all these Warriors light their torches
and together make a glow
reflected on the winter snow
that warms this valley through the night,
and warms this world with brightest light.