by Kassidy Jackson | Dec 7, 2016 | Achievements, Featured Post, Student News, Top Stories, Twitter, WSU News
Winona State University student Grant Gill changed his major twice before discovering his passion for teaching. He’s taken heavy classloads each semester and worked sometimes 80-90 hours a week to support himself. But in the end, he wouldn’t have it any other way....
by Ka Vang | Dec 6, 2016 | Achievements, Featured Post, Student News, WSU News
Born and raised in Caracas, Venezuela, Winona State University student Anacorina Velasco, better known as Cora, moved to Winona in 2012. Velasco received a scholarship to attend WSU but was initially hesitant to attend a university in Minnesota, far from her home, far...
by Samantha Stetzer | Dec 5, 2016 | Academic News, Achievements, Events, Featured Post, Student News, Top Stories, Twitter, WSU News
When she was 13 years old, Lanesta White’s father died. Her mother was an alcoholic, so that left White and her brother mostly on their own. White ended up dropping out of high school in the 9th grade, had her first child at 16 and was pregnant with her second by the...
by Samantha Stetzer | Dec 2, 2016 | Academic News, Achievements, Events, Student News, Top Stories, Twitter, WSU News
More than 450 students will participate in the Winona State University Fall 2016 Commencement ceremonies Friday, Dec. 9, in McCown Gymnasium in Memorial Hall on the Winona campus. The morning ceremony will begin at 10 a.m. and include the College of Business,...
by Samantha Stetzer | Dec 1, 2016 | Events, Featured Post, Student News, Top Stories, Twitter, WSU News
For many parents, watching a child walk across the stage at college graduation is a proud moment. For Ka Vang’s mother, it’s that and so much more, a testament to her lifelong commitment for Vang to have a better life. Vang will participate in Winona State...
by Brian Waldbillig | Nov 28, 2016 | Academic News, Featured Post, Student News, Twitter
The one thing Keagan Anderson will always remember about his time at Winona State University is the people. “I chose WSU due to the great atmosphere, good people and because it allowed me the opportunity to work more closely with the faculty,” said Anderson. “I had...