Winona State University will host a talk with Regional Emmy-Winning Filmmaker and WSU graduate Olga Lezhepekova at 4 p.m. Monday, Feb. 10, in Somsen 321.
Lezhepekova earned a Regional Emmy in 2013 for her short film “Aviation Storytellers: The Tail Gunner and The Navigator.” She served as editor and cinematographer on the film. Her talk will address her filmmaking and freelancing efforts in the industry since graduating from WSU.
Lezhepekova graduated from WSU in 2012 with a major in mass communication-broadcast and a minor in media studies. While attending WSU she was president of the National Broadcast Society; worked as a News 24 reporter, producer and photographer; and worked as a social media coordinator for the Regional Emmys. Currently a producer and reporter for WEAU-13 Eau Claire, Wis., Lezhepekova also does active freelance in the Minneapolis film industry.
The event is sponsored by Winona State’s film studies minor. The film studies minor is an interdisciplinary collaboration between the mass communication, theatre and dance, music, and women’s and gender studies departments. It is housed in the English department.
The event is free and open to the public.
For more information, contact J Paul Johnson at