During his time at WSU, Tyler Peil seized the opportunity to find his passion — even when that meant changing his major during his senior year.
As an incoming freshman, Peil chose WSU for the welcoming atmosphere and reputable education program, and initially landed on a Spanish Education major.
“I loved the campus and the professors I met on my campus visit, as well as the positive atmosphere,” he said.
During his senior year, Peil took on one of his most challenging college experiences by acknowledging his shift in education interests and career goals and changing his major to Individualized Studies, with a focus in Social Justice, Diversity & Equity, to pursue his true passion.
The challenges gave Peil many opportunities for learning and personal growth.
By the end of his senior year, Peil was accomplishing goals he didn’t know he was capable of, including writing a 31-page research paper calling for diversity changes on campus.
“WSU has helped me achieve my goals of becoming an expert in Social Justice and racial issues in our community,” he said.
Additionally, he proposed a fresh Inclusive Excellence plan to WSU, known as “Project Twenty7”, with the objective to better diversify WSU’s campus climate.
“This was a meaningful experience for me, as well as an opportunity to advance Winona State to better align with state and national expectations of racial diversity, equity, and inclusion on campus,” he explained.
Peil, who is originally from Sheboygan Falls, Wis., said his advice for future Warriors is to never stop learning, never be afraid to try new things, and ask for change you want to see.
Looking ahead, Peil plans to attend graduate school at Winona State University to obtain his certificate in Multicultural Education.
I am proud to graduate as a BIPOC from a predominantly white institution because it has helped me send a message about the importance of diversity on campus and in the workplace, as well as eliminating racial barriers to education. WSU taught me to always speak for what I believe in, and that I truly can accomplish anything I want to.