The Winona State University Department of Theatre & Dance will be performing “The Glass Menagerie” by Tennessee Williams. “The Glass Menagerie” is a drama of great tenderness, charm, and beauty, and is an icon of American theater.
Amanda Wingfield is a faded remnant of Southern gentility who now lives in a dingy St. Louis apartment with her son, Tom, and her daughter, Laura, who has a physical handicap and debilitating shyness. The father has left home; Tom supports his mother and sister with a shoe-factory job he finds unbearable. When Amanda convinces Tom to bring home from his workplace a “gentleman caller” for Laura, the illusions that Tom, Amanda, and Laura have each created in order to make life bearable collapse around them.
Performances will take place at the DuFresne Performing Arts Center in the Black Box Theatre on February-March 3 at 7:30 pm. Tickets are $6 for Students, and $15 for the General Public and may be purchased online at wsustudentunion.universitytickets.com
“The Glass Menagerie” is directed by Jim Williams, a professor in the Theatre & Dance Department at Winona State University. The Cast is made up of Tyler Jensen, an alumnus of Winona State University, as Tom Wingfield; Heather Williams-Williams, a professor in the Theatre & Dance Department, as Amanda Wingfield; Kylie Nelson, a student at Winona State University, as Laura Wingfield; and Nicholas Kendall, a student at Winona State University, as Jim O’Connor. The Crew is made up of multiple students and staff members.
The WSU Department of Theatre & Dance is accredited by the National Association of Schools of Theatre (NAST).
For more information, contact Jim Williams at jwilliams@winona.edu