WSU-Kimberly-DarkIn honor of National Coming Out Day, Winona State University will host Kimberly Dark in “The Gayness: Love and Hate in America” at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 8, in East Hall, Kryzsko Commons.

“The Gayness: Love and Hate in America” is an entertaining and thought-provoking program to help students understand why things get tense when gender or sexuality is discussed in America.

Dark will also host “Games for Social Creators” at 3 p.m. Oct. 8 in Dining rooms E, F and G, Kryzsko Commons. This workshop for students will promote creating a positive and inclusive culture.

Dark is a writer, speaker and storyteller. She is the author of five award-winning performance scripts and a number of educational programs regarding the body in culture – how appearances and identities influence our experiences in the world related to gender, race, body type/size, beauty, ability, etc.

Over the past 20 years Dark has presented and performed at universities and colleges across the country along with hundreds of venues in Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland and other countries.

Sponsors for the events are: the Inclusion and Diversity Office, Inclusion and Diversity clubs and organizations, KEAP Center and Minnesota State College-Southeast Technical.

For more information, contact Alexander Hines, Director of Inclusion and Diversity, at